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Nina Skyrud

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Passionate line dancer in Norway! Started to dance late in life, but spend most of my spare time dancing and choreographing. Has attended workshops in line dance choreography and instruction held by Cato Larsen, and dance regularly in his club. Dance occasionally with different groups in Norway, like Raymond Sarljemijn's classes, and attend workshops with other international choreographers and instructors as often as possible. Very happy to have the opportunity to do this through the great digital classes Rob Fowler offers which I have attended since May 2020. I started choreographing in 2017 and have made a handful of dances each year after that with within different genres and styles: Country and non country, Polka, Cha cha, Samba, Night Club, Rolling 8 – mostly for my own development. The ones I'm happy with have been released, others not. My goal is to make dances built on good craftsmanship, well planed and structured, with movements flowing naturally; and, of course, with rhythm, timing and character that match the music. With all this in the bottom: Creativity and musicality!

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Co Choreographed with Brenda Thomason 

"Mamas Wine"



Jack n Jill Winner. Co Choreographed with Brenda Thomason 

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