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Tom Sonju Inge

"Hi. I’m a born and bred Norwegian who was introduced to line dancing in 2006 and have been hooked ever since. At first it was hard finding regular classes, but since 2009 I have been dancing on a regular basis. I started instructing beginner classes in 2014 and started experimenting with choreography the year after. By 2016 I had started my own line dance club called Drammen LineDance and started choreographing more frequently. By far a professional dancer or instructor but loves it so much that he is willing to take a chance at both. Always looking for ways to improve my choreography so I decided to join Rob Fowlers choreography course on VTV and have not regretted it for one bit. Tom goes by many names (especially with a Norwegian name), but Tom Inge Sønju (Soenju), Tom Inge Soenju, Tom I. Soenju, Tom of Norway is all the same guy. But Tom and hey you will work just fine " Contact details: Mail: Facebook (Tom Inge Sønju): Website: Profiles: Linedancerweb: Copperknob: ELD:

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Into a Fantasy 



For Real (Jack n Jill comp)

Italian Summer

Typical Norwegian


When I first started Rob’s choreography course in May 2020, one of our first task were to put in track suggestions for possible dances. I put in several songs in as choreography suggestions and this was one of them that stood out. This track I had had in my choreography list for a couple of years and I hadn’t managed to work it out the structure of the track to make a good choreography to. It was basically a mess. But with Rob’s help a mess went in, but a gem came out. We managed to find a structure that allowed for a great dance to take shape to this fun and uplifting track. It became my first “stamped” dance and one of the courses’ first dances to be stamped


I was hired to be an instructor for a line dance club’s 10 year anniversary here in Norway and wanted to make a special dance for their anniversary. This track had also been sitting in my choreography list for a while and after a couple of months into Robs Choreography course I decided that I wanted to make a dance to this Italian track. Its basically a parody of the “Selfie” generation today and I thought it could be a lot of fun. So I made a dance and put it into the course. Fortunately Rob and the I.C.E group loved the track and the dance. With a few pointers and suggestions from Rob it was stamped on the second go (draft) and became my second stamped dance with the ICE team.


Tom also took part in our large group Virtual Choreography session. The group all come together to join Debbie Ellis and Laura Sway Live.  Everyone who joined in this session contributed with ideas, counts, accents, highlight and general support.

Here is the demonstration of our finished project. 


This was co-choreographed with the very talented Laura Sway. With her keen ear and great creativity we managed to put together a dance (a great dance I might add) for the “Jack n’ Jill” competition for February 2021. A competition where 2 and 2 people join forces to create a dance anonymously and the public get to vote for their favorite. Not only did we have good feeling submitting it, but it also was voted to be the winner of the competition which was just a great. Thus securing my 3rd choreography with my name on it.

I spent some time on this choreography. The framework was laid down already in May last year just before the start of Robs course. I was happy with it and about to publish it, but decided to put it into Rob’s choreography course just to see what he thought of it. All was approved except a little section in the middle. We went through 4 different options until we came up with a great combo that made us happy. I’m happy I put it in because it’s a much better dance now than what it was. The proud result is what you see in the video. To be released soon.



This is also the result of a dance I had just finished before Rob’s choreography course and brought it in as a project. The first drafts Rob didn’t look at, but I got a lot of help from other “pixies” (members) in the group. When I came to my 3rd draft Rob reviewed it and basically said straight away that I didn’t use and hear bits in the music that I should choreograph to. After a few months of letting it rest I went back to the music and listened again and boy was he right. So after these months I had learned to listen to music in a totally different way and could now hear all the bits I had missed before. I then did a whole new dance using some previous steps and suddenly it all came together and the dance you see now is the great result of a great course with guidance and points from Rob.

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